
Learn more about Grace Bible’s view of marriage & how to fill out an application

GETTING MARRIED at Grace Bible Church

Congratulations! You are engaged to be married! 

Whether you desire a service for family and closest friends or are planning for hundreds of wedding guests, we are eager to help make your wedding both beautiful and memorable. The Elders of Grace Bible Church believe that you should have every opportunity to be prepared for a Christ-centered and biblically grounded marriage, one which has all the potential of being everything our Lord intends marriage to be. we want to assist you in keeping your wedding on a holy and spiritual foundation. 


What Grace Bible Church Believes About Marriage

We believe that marriage is a creation ordinance of God between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-5), and the chief end of a Christian wedding is to bring glory and honor to God (1 Corinthians 10:31).  The central figure in a Christian wedding is the triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Romans 11:36).  The central imagery of a Christian wedding is the union and relationship between the Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His bride, the church (Ephesians 5:22-33).  Because of these strongly held beliefs, Grace Bible must take seriously any marriage that is to be performed by its ministers.  Marriage is sacred, and because Christian marriage implies a distinct lifestyle, the church must protect and promote the spiritual values surrounding a Christian wedding and marriage.  A Christian wedding is first and foremost a worship service, and the church will guard the sanctity of this service against worldly intrusions. 

Requirements for Using Grace Bible Pastors and Musicians

All couples asking to be married by a Grace Bible Church pastor must first complete the Wedding Application, then meet with a pastor to share their Christian testimonies and have the pastor sign their Wedding Application.  Because the Bible mandates that believers marry one another (2 Corinthians 6:14), Grace Bible pastors may not participate in a wedding between a believer and an unbeliever.  We also ask that all couples using a Grace Bible pastor go through a pre-marital counseling process approved by our church (though couples are not required to have their pre-marital counseling provided by a Grace Bible pastor).  A valid marriage license must be secured by the couple before the wedding ceremony. To request that a musician employed by Grace Bible Church play at your wedding, please complete a Wedding Application and ask for the musician by name. Please understand that it is difficult for Grace Bible Church Pastors and musicians to serve at out-of-town weddings, and rarely will they be able to do so. Fees for Grace Bible Church pastors and musicians are to be paid to the church and are due fourteen days prior to the wedding date.

Order of Worship for Wedding Ceremonies

Grace Bible Church’s pastoral staff has final authority over the content of the wedding service.  The service must conform to principles of Scripture.  Grace Bible pastors may not participate in ceremonies that are conducted merely as social event or in the same manner as a civil ceremony.  Reverence is expected on the part of all present.  Please see the “Sample Order of Worship” for an example of a wedding ceremony.

Next Steps

You will need to fill out an application by clicking the button below.