Reaching the Unreached
Grace global
Reaching the Unreached
One of the three focuses of Grace’s approach to missions is being a part of planting churches in unreached areas of the world. To be categorized as an unreached people group, there must be less than 2% of the people group who would identify themselves as an evangelical Christian.
Our Partnership with the Work in Italy
Italy, according to Operation World, is 1.1 % evangelical. The IMB places this number at 0.9%. Most in Italy would say that this number is too high. Many at this point would ask, “But isn’t the rest of the country Roman Catholic?” No, at least not practicing. According to the last Italian census, less than 2% of Italians go to any kind of church (Protestant or Catholic) more than 3 times in a year. Italy is a post-Christian culture.
The Lord has been working for some time to stir the hearts of those at Grace for this country. Through leaders in this church, hundreds have gone on mission trips there over the past eight years. We have a group of people currently learning Italian in the hopes of moving there.
We are currently working with a number of church planters over there as well as other ministries, but have a formal partnership with Nuova Vita. Nuova Vita is an Acts 29 church plant some of our members helped start. It is now pastored and led by local Italians.