Men’s ministry
Welcome! Here at Grace Bible Church of Oxford we believe in fellowship. This page is dedicated to keeping you informed on the latest men’s Bible studies, upcoming fellowship events, and outreach opportunities.
Purpose Statement: In step with Proverbs 27:17, the purpose of the men’s ministry is to sharpen and strengthen the men of Grace Bible through God’s word, fellowship, encouragement, and accountability.
Current Fellowship Opportunities
Once per month, on Friday nights at 6:00 p.m., the men at Grace gather at the church for food, fellowship, and discussion of some topic relevant to our lives. Here are the dates for the coming year: November 3, December 1, January 26, February 16, March 22, April 19, and May 17. If you need the link to RSVP, please e-mail
Every third Thursday of the month, at noon, the men of Grace Bible meet to discuss a biblical, theological, or apologetic topic and have lunch together. These meetings take place in the church gym. Bring your own lunch, and we’ll provide drinks.
We have a weekly men’s Bible study at the church on Thursdays, one at 6:00 a.m. and one at noon (same content at two different times). J.D. leads most of these, and C.J. fills in occasionally. These are open invitation, so feel free to just show up. We take a break during the months of December and January, as well as May to July. For other men’s Bible study offerings, e-mail Note: the men’s Bible study has finished for the Fall of 2023 and will resume in the spring of 2024.