Service Information

Why grace bible?

We hope and pray that our website has given you a good idea of why Grace Bible exists, what we believe, and what to expect. We encourage and welcome you to attend any of our church activities to get a better idea. 


1720 University Ave.

Oxford, MS 38655



Core Seminars: Sunday at 9:30

Worship: Sunday at 10:30

Wednesday Nights at 5:15



have questions?

Contact us here.

Sunday Mornings


Our Sunday morning worship service takes place at 1720 University Ave., Oxford, MS 38655. We have one service at 10:30 AM. See the next section about our Core Seminar groups for all ages. 


Wednesday Nights


Wednesday Nights for the spring run from February 1 to April 26, then we break for the summer. Food is served at 5:15 PM. The worship service begins at 6:00 PM with childcare and children’s classes available. 


Core Seminars


What Are Core Seminars?

The goal of the GBC Core Seminar hour is meant to foster the congregation’s growth in biblical knowledge and application of biblical truths to all of life. This is primarily achieved in the context of communal learning, conversation, and engagement. 

GBC offers Core Seminar classes for children, youth, college, and adults from 9:30-10:15 before corporate worship on Sunday mornings. Every age group has a class that goes through the whole Bible on a 3-year cycle. Along with the Bible Overview course, GBC will offer various other courses on specific books of the bible, systematic theology, or practical topics. Teachers are lay members, elders, and pastors at Grace Bible, who regularly meet for training, feedback, and preparation.


In a world that constantly influences us out of every speaker and screen, it is our hope that the members at Grace Bible will be equipped with a biblical worldview in order to engage faithfully with this world through the Core Seminar ministry.

3-Year Bible Overview Course Outline 

Summer 2022 – 1 Samuel – 1 Kings

Fall 2022 – 1 Kings – Prophets 

Winter 2022-23 – The Prophets, Ezra, Nehemiah 

Spring 2023 – The Gospels

Summer 2023 – The Gospels 

Fall 2023 – The Gospels 

Winter 2023-2024 – The Gospels, Acts

Spring 2024 – Acts and Epistles

Summer 2024 – Acts, Epistles, Revelation

Church History 

Summer 2023 – 1st to 7th Centuries (Link to Notes)


The Bible Overview Curriculum

The Bible Overview curriculum follows the cycle and plan of The Gospel Project material from children through adults. This plan is not to serve as law for the teachers but as a guide. Teachers are encouraged to plan their lessons independently, with whatever purpose or focus the text calls for regardless of The Gospel Project material. That said, this material is a helpful guide for teaching the biblical texts they cover and should be consulted or followed. 

Some benefits to consider related to this curriculum plan: 

• Repeating cycle will build the resource pool, teaching pool, and continued in-depth study of the various books of the Bible from various perspectives and emphasis. 

• Same cycle for children through adults facilitates family worship as well as communal conversation on the same books

• Projects a sense of objective purpose and completeness to the congregation.

• Multiplicity of resources allows for a combination of personal (not canned) instruction and trustworthy theological guardrails. 

What To Expect


Is your worship style “traditional” or “contemporary”?

Most people would characterize our worship music as contemporary. However, our goal is not simply to preserve any musical traditions through the singing of hymns, nor is our goal to keep up with every popular “church music” trend in order to market ourselves as “contemporary.” Our goal, rather, is to worship God. When we lift up our voices we sing not ourselves.

All true worship is participatory, so we seek to involve all people in the worship service through prayer, the reading of Scripture, the preaching of the Word, the observance of the ordinances, and, of course, corporate (everyone) singing. Our goal in worship music is to select songs that combine biblical doctrine with powerful, affecting, poetic wording – such songs have been called “theology on fire.” Some of the songs we use were written three years ago, some were written more than three hundred years ago. However, our prayer is that everyone who attends Grace can learn from, sing, and enjoy the songs chosen.


What is the preaching like?

The preaching of God’s Word is the focus of our services and is, in and of itself, an act of worship. We typically preach straight through books of the Bible. We think this is the best way to learn “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). It also keeps us from skipping difficult and uncomfortable subjects. The Bible is the primary way God has chosen to reveal himself to mankind. We desperately need to know God personally and trust his grace. Therefore, our preaching is centered on God, who he is, what he is doing in the world, and how we as part of his creation can know him. Nevertheless, our prayer is that our preaching is highly relevant to your life. We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most relevant thing in the world, and applicable to all areas of life (money, sex, relationships, work, children, etc). Yet when we refuse to preach God’s word, and instead feel it necessary to give merely “good advice” about how to get through life, we fall into the error of weak, uninspired teaching. Click here to view more of what Grace Bible Church believes and teaches.