
governing documents

Beliefs & Related Documents


Our GBC statement of faith describes what we believe as a local church.

Our beliefs as Christians are merely attempts to explain what we think the Bible teaches about a variety of topics. Biblical beliefs should never be confused with personal opinions – which have no authority in the church. As a local church, we desire to serve our visitors with a straightforward statement of faith – that clearly explains what our church believes the Bible to teach.

We are a church that takes God’s truth seriously. We believe that sound doctrine glorifies God and truly helps people – whereas false doctrine dishonors God and harms people. While taking care to avoid unnecessary doctrinal division, it is necessary to distinguish true doctrine from false doctrine. Our statement of faith is a summary of the biblical doctrines that unite us together in real Christian fellowship.

We acknowledge that Jesus has preserved His church in every generation. The church of Jesus Christ has left a rich history of creeds and confessions. This local church stands in the Reformed Baptist tradition and substantially agrees with the historic Baptist confessions. We have leaned heavily on these confessions in order to develop our GBC statement of faith, specifically the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689, the New Hampshire Confession of 1833, the Abstract of Principles of 1858, and the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.


Our GBC church covenant describes how we live as a local church.

As our statement of faith seeks to clarify what we believe as a church about biblical doctrine, so also our membership covenant seeks to clarify what we believe as a church about biblical living. Sound doctrine must be undergirded by holy living, as Paul instructed Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:16 “keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching”. Our membership covenant is meant to encourage our members to take responsibility for each other’s holiness – as we seek to live out the one-another commands of Scripture.


Our constitution describes how we operate as a local church. This includes matters such as: how leadership and membership are established, and how we make congregational decisions together as a church. In a culture that is increasingly marked by church corruption, we believe that clarity in these matters helps Jesus’ sheep feel safe – especially those who have been affected by ungodly church leadership or church practices.