Grace College

What is Grace college?

Grace College is a group of college students passionate about seeing the Gospel transform lives. We believe that God is most glorified when we are united around truth. 


1720A University Avenue



College Core Seminar: Sunday, 9:30 AM

Mid-Week Bible Study: Varies




Grace College in Oxford, Mississippi is a Bible study focused on both encouraging one another and growing in the knowledge of God and His authoritative word. We encourage one another through fellowship, discipleship, and striving to love each other in the same way that Christ loved us. College can be a difficult and complicated time in life, so it is a huge blessing to have brothers and sisters in Christ who love and support you during these four years. GC is full of students who love God, who love His Word, and who want to see the Gospel turn Oxford upside down. 

Some of our students lead bible studies at their own homes, so be sure to ask!

Grace College ministry meets as a Core Seminar on Sunday’s. For more information about our Core Seminars, click here. 

To learn more about what Grace College believes & teaches, please see the Grace Bible beliefs page by clicking here 

Mid-Week Bible Study


We meet as a group on Sunday mornings and usually a date during the week as well. If you’d like more information on when we are currently meeting or how to get plugged in, please reach out