


VWhile the elders shepherd the church, the deacons and deaconesses at Grace fill supportive roles as they coordinate various ministries that relate to the physical needs of the congregation. As those who free the elders to provide spiritual oversight to the church, the deacons and deaconesses each oversee a particular church ministry (e.g. Sound Ministry or Meals). At their discretion, the deacons and deaconesses gather volunteers in support of their work. Potential deacons and deaconesses are chosen by the elders in accordance with Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

In their service to the church, the deacons and deaconesses compose serving schedules, direct activities, and communicate specific needs within their ministry to the congregation. On any given Sunday, deacons and deaconesses may be found ushering, preparing communion, or coordinating community service activities, among many other activities.

Our current deacons and deaconesses are listed below along with each person’s area of service:

      • Britt Fitts (Audio/Visual)
      • C.P. Hanson (Facilities)
      • Celeste Carroll (Meal Trains)
      • Corrie Reed (Ceremonies)
      • Jay Lynch (Sunday Morning Hospitality)
      • Martin Fisher (Ordinances)

Many of our members also serve as volunteers in various “Coordinator” positions, which are service-oriented leadership roles. These coordinators typically report to one of the elders, staff members, or deacons. They are listed below along with each person’s area of service:

      • Adam Burnett (Security)
      • Amanda Beckett (Emma’s Friends Special Needs Ministry)
      • Grant McCullough (Parking)
      • J.D. Morton (Parking)
      • Jennifer Fassinger (Women’s Ministry)